Psych Jargon
As school psychs, we learn a lot of high-level vocabulary such as fluid reasoning, atypicality, crystallized intelligence, and psychosomatic; let’s face it, the list goes on and on! Have you ever been in an IEP meeting, and the parent asks you to explain what those high-level words mean? Or how about a parent asking how those high-level words affect their child’s ability to learn in the classroom? Imagine how comfortable and confident you would feel if you knew how to synthesize complex information for parents. Let’s take a closer look at some other challenges school psychologists face when presenting assessment findings.
Numbers, Numbers, and More Numbers
Have you ever reviewed your psychoeducational report and noticed how many tables and columns of numbers there are? Some assessment batteries yield scaled scores, standard scores, and t-scores. For example, a standard score of 50 on a cognitive battery differs from a t-score of 50 on a social-emotional battery. And if school psychs are confused by these numbers and their meanings, imagine how parents must feel! What if there were ways to summarize numbers in a simple, straightforward way during the report writing process and in the IEP meeting? Think of how beneficial this could be when it’s time for the team to decide the best course of action for the student and how to meet their unique needs!
How Else Can I Present My Findings?
Are there any other ways to share evaluation results with parents? Typically, our assessment findings verbalize our conclusions. Many school psychs attend IEP meetings. No matter how they verbalize their assessment results, parents are not grasping what’s said, making team decision-making challenging. The pressure and stress of an IEP meeting land on the psychologist. Let’s work together to uncover quick and easy ways to present evaluation results succinctly.
Are you ready to share evaluation results with families? Are you ready to answer tough questions during IEP meetings? If so, click the link below to receive exclusive tips, providing in-depth information about how to explain assessment results succinctly! Then take the next step in becoming a more prepared school psychologist!
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